MainBrain Research
We dare to challenge the Status Quo by pioneering fresh and continuous innovation that breaks paradigms to drive effective business strategies behind an outstanding consumer understanding, hacking the unconscious and real drivers of your day to day consumers. For years the most resilient buildings were made and based upon bamboo. We strongly believe in a bamboo philosophy, flexible enough to thrill with every challenge, rooted on a solid base that ensures reliable success. As you build your dreams, let us be the foundations of your achievements. This story is not about us, it is about you and what you care for: Your success, your brands, your consumers; YOUR DREAMS.
Quest Mindshare
When your data is only as good as your sample provider, you need to lean on the best. Established in 2003, Quest has the most flexible and extensive groups of online panel assets in the industry. First launched to meet the needs of technology companies, Quest has transitioned to a market research solution for every online B2B and Consumer target with a truly global presence. Quest offers in-house scripting and programming, a customer driven project management team and proprietary panel technology that enables a successful and quality-focused research program.
GreenBook brings innovative resources to market researchers on both sides of the table and offers effective marketing opportunities in a variety of targeted media. Our publications and events provide a stimulating, practical, and timely perspective on topics and issues relevant to the industry. + The GreenBook Directory connects buyers with suppliers of market research services by providing detailed information on research firms and by supporting client-supplier interaction with new online tools. + With our Content Marketing Program, we help market research companies better demonstrate their strengths and capabilities, position themselves as experts, and generate more qualified leads. + IIEX events offer a window into the future of the industry with an emphasis on using innovation in solving real business challenges through better insights.
Wapor Latinoamérica
Wapor Latam es un espacio para el intercambio de conocimiento y generación de propuestas para el desarrollo de la opinión pública y ámbitos afines en la región. La Asociación Mundial de Investigación de Opinión Publica Latinoamérica (WAPOR LATAM) constituye el capítulo regional de WAPOR internacional. Contamos con una publicación oficial que es la Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública, la cual lanza dos números al año en formato Open Access. Está abierta a las y los investigadores que quieran publicar artículos científicos o notas de investigación (reportes) sobre la opinión pública. Un Consejo Editorial Independiente, evalúa la pertinencia o no de publicación de los artículos y todos ellos pasan por un proceso de evaluación ciega por pares. La revista ya se encuentra indexada en varios índices y esperamos que prontamente lo estará en otros como Latindex o Scopus. En octubre del 2022, realizaremos en Oaxaca, México nuestro Décimo Congreso Regional, que como los anteriores congresos, contará con los principales referentes de toda la región y con expertos internacionales de renombre.